Our Mission

We aim at providing high quality test in affordable price.

We assure all of our partners,to making Quality Diagnostics Services Accessible.

Our Team

Team includes experienced pathologists & Support staff with training and practice experience across India. Its members provide a customize approach to diagnostics as a result.

Our Vision

We provide cost-effective and innovative healthcare solutions.

our presence make cost effective services to the society.

Welcome to Mediprime Labs

Best Health Care For You!

For being healthy and manage your illnesses, sometimes you need to take a look at what's going on inside your body. That is where Mediprime Lab comes in as a Clinical Investigation Services provider of world-class healthcare services at affordable costs, in all medical branches.

We offer state of the art high quality lab testing in a professional set up, With increased use of global technology in diagnosis so you can prevent, detect, and manage disease. We not only collect the samples and deliver smart report, but also offer the lab tests at a significantly lower cost than comparable labs.

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Mediprime Departments

Our Departments

For Any Emergency Contact

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01146580451  +91-9289281101

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